Page 3 - AJAX Controls Toolkit

see Ajax Toolkit

Watermark - displays a message in a textbox as to what to input

Visible - uses a digital clock as a example, with a dropdown to set position

Calendar - Drop calendar (with no ison) and popup calendar (via icon)

Auto Complete - uses a service to display a list of the beginning text entered

Dynamic Populate - this example displays the date format according to DDL selection (continue)

Reorder - a list defined within the control, can be re-ordered (TBD)

Resize - this will resize the panel specified by dragging a handle

Confirm - this uses a predefined format for the dialog popup

Modal - this acts as a dialog popup

Textbox Watermark

Always Visible Control

Calendar - No Icon

Calendar - With Icon

Auto Complete

Enter the name of a country:

Dynamic Populate Control (not working)


Reorder Control (not working)

Drag the handle to re-order the list

  • Intel, Inc.
  • Microsoft
  • IBM, Inc.
  • Apple
  • Google, Inc.
  • Amazon
  • Dell, Inc.
  • Samsung

Resize Control

ASP.NET AJAX offers you Resizable Extender Control. ResizableControl is an extender that attaches to any element on a web page and allows the user to resize that control with a handle that attaches to lower-right corner of the control. The resize handle lets the user resize the element as if it were a window.

Confirm Control Delete

Modal Page Definition

Download and Install the AJAX Control Toolkit

In aspx after Page: Register AjaxControlToolkit with cc1 prefix

In aspx's Style: ....

In aspx's Script: ModalDone()

In aspx's HTML: asp:ScriptManager for ???

asp:Button for target (to show modal dialog)

cc1:ModalPopupExtension that defines OK and Cancel buttons, and panel

Panel with 4 css classes, OK and Cancel buttons, input text

H3 for return value (from javascript)

Modal Page Execution

The button will open a window as a model dialog

Gets the value from Javascript